Why Ohio Townships are Hiring Managed IT Service Providers: From Cybersecurity to Cost-effective Solutions

Why Ohio Townships are Hiring Managed IT Service Providers: From Cybersecurity to Cost-effective Solutions

Townships in Ohio are facing a growing need to hire managed IT service providers as technology becomes an increasingly important aspect of government operations. With the growing reliance on technology, townships need IT service providers that can manage, maintain and protect their systems, networks, and data. In this article, we'll discuss some of the key factors that Ohio townships look for when hiring a managed IT service provider.

  1. Cybersecurity: With the increasing number of cyber threats, townships need to ensure that their networks, systems and data are protected from cyberattacks. Managed IT service providers with experience in cybersecurity can help townships to secure their systems, detect and respond to threats, and recover from a cyber attack.
  2. Cloud services: Cloud services are becoming increasingly popular in townships, as they offer cost savings, scalability and easy access to data. Managed IT service providers with experience in cloud services can help townships to move their data and applications to the cloud, and ensure that their systems are secure and compliant.
  3. Compliance: Townships are subject to strict regulations, such as HIPAA, FISMA and NIST, to protect sensitive data. Managed IT service providers that are familiar with these regulations and can help townships to comply with them are highly sought-after.
  4. Network and server support: Townships rely on their network and servers to run their operations, and they need IT service providers that can manage and maintain these systems. Managed IT service providers that offer regular maintenance, troubleshooting, and support for these systems are essential to keep the township running smoothly.
  5. Remote access and support: With more and more townships operating remotely, IT service providers that offer remote access and support are becoming increasingly important. These services enable township staff to access data and perform tasks from anywhere, at any time.
  6. Proactive monitoring and maintenance: Townships need IT service providers that can proactively monitor their systems, identify potential issues before they become major problems, and perform regular maintenance to keep systems running smoothly. This includes providing regular reports on system performance, security, and backups.
  7. Communication and customer service: Townships need IT service providers that are responsive, easy to communicate with, and able to provide clear explanations and solutions to any problems that arise. Managed IT service providers that can provide dedicated account managers and 24/7 customer support are highly valued.
  8. Scalability: Townships are growing and expanding, and IT service providers that can scale their services to meet the growing needs of the township are important. This includes providing additional hardware, software, and support as the township grows, and ensuring that their services can accommodate an increase in staff and residents.
  9. Cost-effective solutions: Townships are faced with budget constraints, and managed IT service providers that can provide cost-effective solutions for their technology needs are highly sought after. This includes providing cost-effective solutions for hardware, software and support services.

In conclusion, townships in Ohio need to hire managed IT service providers to manage, maintain and protect their systems, networks, and data. Managed IT service providers that offer expertise in cybersecurity, cloud services, compliance, network and server support, remote access and support, proactive monitoring and maintenance, communication, and customer service, scalability, and cost-effective solutions are essential for townships to keep their operations running smoothly and securely.