
Smart Implants & The Future of Dental Innovation

In September, Science Daily covered a recently published study from a collaborative of researchers at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Indiana. The paper presented research about new technology relating to dental implants, relatively new dental appliances that replace damaged or diseased tooth roots with metal implants.

The Pandemic’s Effect on Oral Health

With news of the Omicron variant dominating headlines, it's time to assess how the COVID-19 virus and its variants have impacted people's oral health. According to a survey from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute, stress from the pandemic has caused an increase in the prevalence of a variety of oral conditions.

Improve Your Practice with Intraoral Scanners

According to a recently administered survey from the American Dental Association (ADA), over half of dentists believe that intraoral scanners will be revolutionary tools for their practices in 2021. Intraoral scanners, along with other technologies we've covered here, are innovations that could make dental practices more profitable and more efficient.

Virtual Reality for Dentists

Quick Announcement: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be only one post this week. We will return to our normal publishing schedule next week on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.

Virtual reality (VR) refers to technology that creates interactive, simulated environments.

The Benefits of Teledentistry

Quick Announcement: Starting this week, the Titan Tech blog will release two posts a week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, instead of just one post a week. Stay tuned for more tech news.

Teledentistry refers to any means of patient care using digital technology.

Digital Marketing for Dentists

In the past, many dental practices have relied on established marketing techniques to communicate with their existing customers and solicit new ones. These methods include mail marketing--as well as mail reminders for appointments--, phone calls, and ads in local newspapers and magazines.

The Importance of Dental Imaging Tech

It's very difficult, if not impossible, to provide the best dental care without the use of imaging technology. Luckily, there have been numerous developments in dental imaging tech over the past few decades. Even older forms of radiological imaging, like x-rays, can be augmented and improved with modern computing.

Improve your Dental Practice with Data Analytics

-Quick announcement: Today, we're kicking off a series of blog posts focusing on particular business sectors and how they relate to IT. Our first set of blogs will focus on dental practices. Watch out for more announcements in future posts.

At the end of June, Dentistry Today, the popular online trade magazine, interviewed Mike Baird, the CEO of Henry Schein One, which provides a variety of software products for dental practices.